
Below are some of our favorite resources for obtaining materials for classical painting and drawing and are recommended to our students and used by our faculty.


Ingres said, “Drawing is the probity of art.”  In other words, drawing is what holds the art of painting together.  It is the foundation.  The Golden Gate Atelier recommends that students keep a sketchbook.  Paper, pencils, vine charcoal, sanguine, ink and many other materials are readily available at Blick, Utrech, Pearl and other art supply stores.  For figure drawing in charcoal, the Golden Gate Atelier requires compressed charcoal.  We recommend:

Nitrum Fine Art Charcoal
137 Main Street N, Unit 210
Markham, Ontario L3P 1Y2 Canada

Plaster Casts

The Golden Gate Atelier has one of the finest collections of plaster casts on the West Coast. Our collection includes Classical Greek and Roman, Renaissance, Baroque and 19th Century masterpieces.   We obtained our casts from the following Italian suppliers:

Fumagalli & Dossi
Viale Montello, 4
20154 Milano, ITALY
Tel: +39 02 341028

Gipsoteca Mondazzi
Via Sant’Ottavio, 42
10124 Torino ITALY
39- 011 885084

Robert Bodem
Director of Sculpture
The Florence Academy of Art
Via delle Casine 21/R
50122 Florence ITALY


In order to create beautiful paintings one needs quality materials. At the Golden Gate Atelier we value craftsmanship. Students learn how to grind pigments and to prepare canvases in the traditional manner. We offer workshops where the properties of various mediums and pigments are demonstrated. While traditional handmade materials are best, this is not always practical. There are good manufacturers of all the materials necessary for the artist.

Natural Pigments
1250 Blosser Ln
Willits, CA 95490
(707) 456-9192

Zecchi colori e belle arti
via dello Studio 19r
Florence, Italy

Sinopia Pigments & Materials
1340 Bryant Street @ Division
San Francisco, CA 94103
Telephone: (415) 824-3180

Schedule a Visit

We would love to have you come by the studio and see for yourself what studying at the Golden Gate Atelier is like. Meet our director and talk to our passionate students.

Schedule a visit to see if our Full-Time program is the right fit for you.

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